Contact Me
Contact Me
The message.
Your Dream. Your Vision.
Your Dream. Your Vision.
Your Dream.
Your Vision.
I believe the secret to a great website or online application is not only how well I design and build it but more importantly, how well I understand your vision for it.
I believe the secret to a great website or online application is not only how well I design and build it but more importantly, how well I understand your vision for it.
I design and build custom mobile-friendly websites and data-driven web applications,
as well as integrate multiple online API services to suit your business needs.
Systems Analysis
Gaining insight into your vision for your product or service, I draw on years of experience in the internet industry to find an ideal solution for you.
Web Design
Using up to date web technologies and user interface design methodologies, I find the best way to bring your online presence to life.
Systems Integration
If your web application requires integration with other online systems, I have extensive knowledge of web services and API interfaces.
Web Development
With 19 years experience in Microsoft internet development, I utilise .NET scripting for all server-side programming needs and custom web development.
Content Management
Using my home-grown content management system (CMS) at ripplecms.com, I offer a solution that gives you control over your website content.
Database Programming
As part of any custom-built website or online application, database design and programming is essential to ensure a successful and meaningful system.
Web & Database Hosting
Backed by rock-solid award-winning web hosting, you can choose between shared or cloud hosting solutions, as well as managed domain registration and hosting.
Support & Maintenance
Once your website or online application is up and running, you can count on my support as you carry it further. From general assistance to content management.